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How to start Affiliate Marketing

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is the process of promoting someone's product through your specific platform.
If visitors buy something through your referral link you will earn commission.

There are some simple steps to start Affiliate Marketing.
  1. Make your niche Website / Blog where you promote product's link. Learn (How to start a blog).
  2. Select any affiliate program and signup like Amazon, Clickbank etc.
  3. Get special link which you will receive from that affiliate product.
  4. Promote that link on your website, blog or any platform which you choose for promoting.
  5. If anyone purchase through your link, you will earn commission.
Learn Affiliate Marketing

Before Promoting a Product

  1. Find out your passion or experience about that product.
  2. Find out the audience who are interested in that product.
  3. Find out the commission rate (High rate is good).
  4. Find out the best platforms or website/blog where you will promote the product.

Types of Affiliate Products

There are three common types of affiliate programs.
  1. Physical products
  2. Digital Products
  3. Services

Physical Products

The easiest way to start with affiliate is physical products.
Amazon is the world's largest affiliate program., sign up there and promote specific link on your site.

Average commission on physical product is : 1% to 10%.

Digital Product

To promote digital product is best option for one who wanna earn high commission.

Average commission on Digital Product is : 30% to 50%.


This is 3rd type of affiliate program which you can join to earn handsome commission.

Average commission on services affiliate is : 30% to 50%.


  1. Make a website or blog
  2. Join best Affiliate program
  3. Choose a (high commission recommended) Product
  4. Research
  5. Promote your product
  6. Be consistent and never demotivate

Best of Luck.

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