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How to Get Rich best secret Tips

Success could be defined in various ways, like to become what we want, to get what we desire or to be richest and millionaire.

Here, let's talk about the richest formula which will change your life if you follow it properly.

To understand the richest formula we need to understand financial literacy (difference between assets and liabilities).


What are Assets

Assets which make money for you like Shop, Rent House, General store or Rent a house etc.

What are Liabilities

Liabilities which cause you to pay out from your pocket. like cars, mobiles, luxury life style or purchasing things which make you cost on it's maintenance.

Here i am going to share you a story of a boy with two fathers, one his own father who works on monthly sallery, while second is his friend's father, who has business mindset and who helps to change this boy's mindset and he becomes wealthy.

This story educates you financially, and will change your life.

Robert T. Kiyosaki mentions, the first step towards ealth is to managing and facing risks instead of avoiding them and how to invest your money.

Tip 1 :

Invest a specific amount of money in assests every month from your sallery or save that money and wait for best opportunity to invest on assets.

Tip 2 :

Pay Yourself first, Take out money from your monthly income every month and invest on your personal development, whether learning skills or participating Seminars etc.

Tip 3 :

Buy assets not liabilities, Assets are like Rental Schemes, Hotels, Real estate, Gold or things which make you money.
while liabilities, which take out money from your pocket, like cars (for personal use), electronic items which needs maintenance and others which cost you money.

Tip 4 :

Don't quit your job until you start earning from your side business.
Take out your expenses from your job's income and buy more assets from your side business until it becomes your main source of income.

Tip 5 :

Make a list with "I want" and "I don't want" or "Do's" and "Don'ts".
like, I wanna get 1000 dollars till the month of sep.
I don't want to invest in purchasing car rather I would invest in assets.

These are some common easy to use tips to make you billionaire taken from the best selling book "Rich dad Poor dad" by Robert Kiyosaki.

Happy journey towards billionaire.

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