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How to start a Blog for free

What is Blog and Blogging

A blog or weblog is an online journal or informational website which displays specific information to it's readers. It is a platform where bloggers or writers write specific information or knowledge to their readers.
Blogging is the process of writing on any specific topic to share online for passion, to earn money or for promoting businesses.

Why you should start Blogging

Before you start blogging you must know why are you starting blog ?
Whether you wanna promote your business or sell your product or wanna make money by blogging, in any case you need to be passionate for your choosen niche or topic.

Choose your target which you wanna acquire from blog and take action for it.

How to start a Blog for free

Blogging is so simple to start, all you need just passion of writing and consistency to be a successful blogger.

6 simple steps to start a Blog

  1. Choose a perfect niche or topic
  2. Choose a Blogging Platform
  3. Design or Customize your Blog
  4. Write Posts and Publish 
  5. Promote your Blog
  6. Make money with Blog

1- Choose a perfect niche or topic

First of all, you need to select a perfect niche for your blog.
to do so, just find out your passion, which motivates you or you love to write about that.
Here are few examples you can write about :

Reviews Niche : like: mobile review, digital tools, accessories or company review
Selling Online Niche : you may sell any product online
Affiliate Niche : You may refer others to buy specific companies' products, E-books,
Digital products or downloading or installing softwares.
Courses Niche : You may provide online paid courses
Biography Niche : You may write life story, biography or history of great leaders or personalities
Skills or Education Niche : You may write about any skill or educational topic
Jobs Niche : You may write about online, offline or govt jobs
Business Niche : You may write about business related topics/ideas

2- Choose a Blogging Platform

There are numbers of free blogging platforms from where you can choose which is perfect for you. Like

  • Wordpress
  • Blogger
  • Wix
  • Joomla
  • Tumblr
  • Weebly
You can explore more by googling.

Note : Here we will cover Blogger.com for sake of it's simplicity and easy to use for beginners.

3- Design or Customize your Blog

If you are designer you can design your desired themes or customize your blog whether it is on wordpress or Blogger or other platform.

4- Write post and publish

Write a SEO optimized post according to your niche and publish it.

5- Promote your Blog

Promote your blog by social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ On-Page, Off-page SEO.

6- Make money with Blog

Final step which is conclusion of your target, as generating business or money by blog.
It could be various methods to make money by blog, but you should be passionate, dedicative and 
Here are ways to make money with blog : Also read : Make Money with Blogging

Monetization : The most common and best way of making with blog is to monetize your blog.
If you have enough traffic to get approval from google ad-sense you may apply for that and generate large income.
The more you have audience the more you earn.

Affiliate Program : The 2nd common way by which people make millions of dollars is referring buyers to other companies or sites.
Once, they make purchase you will earn commission.

Sell Product or Services : You can promote your business through you blog or sell products or services to earn money online or you can sell E-Books, digital services or softwares.

For Detail See : Make Money with Blogging

Thanks ... Happy journey to blogging.

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