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Top 5 Habits to be Successful

Top 5 Habits of Successful People

Everyone want to be successful in his/her life. but, some of them get their dream life from all aspects.
Successful people have successful habits, their life style, their thinking, investing and other habits which make them successful in their life.

Here I will explore 6 habits of successful people.

1- Self Concept

Self concept is the key of success which changes your way of thinking and give you dream life.
Our feelings, actions and achievements are dependent on self concept.If your self concept about dark room is this, that there is someone is walking or someone is watching you then you will feel fear.

If you think you can not deliver speech in front of crowd, you can not deliver it confidently.It is your self concept which changed your thinking and made you looser.

If your self concept regarding money is this, that you can earn $300 per month not more then you will earn same average amount of money because your self concept has like operating machine as you think it will start working accordingly.

So, be positive and always think big and have big.

2- Self Discipline

Selp discipline is the ability to do what you should be doing at right time whether you like or not
If you want to wake up at 4am daily. Maybe you get up 3 or 4 days hardly then you start your old routine. but if you have self discipline it will awake you at 4am whether you like or not.

For success you must adopt self discipline habit. It will help you accomplish your tasks and goals and make you consistent. 

3- Educate your brain with positive knowledge

If you feel yourself demotivated, then never let your mind think negatively.
Train your mind with positive knowledge and read books.

4- Daily Goal Setting

Make your daily task list and complete every task at time.
Time Management is another key to success, If you have managed your time you have managed your life.
Make a list for your upcoming daily tasks a day ago.

5- Health Orientation

There is a saying:
Health is wealth
A sick person can not get desired goals and it causes his failure and looser.
Successful people always care for their health. 
They do meditation for their mental growth perform yoga and do their daily exercises.

But, Poor people just earn and do not care for their health as a result they spend their money on their health.

So, maintain your health, do daily exercise, wakeup early and avoid junk or unhealthy food. 
This will lead you to success safely.

This summary is taken from a book : Million dollar habits , by Brian Tracy.

Have a nice journey to success...

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