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Meditation | Meditation Techniques

There are many things happening in your life that are out of your control and control, but did you know that you can control the state of your brain through meditation? What is meditation and what do you know about it?

What is meditation?

Meditation is a state that calms and relaxes the mind in order to provide the body with the necessary comfort and tranquility and is practiced by some for religious or spiritual purposes.

According to Buddhists, meditation is one of the most important and best things that a person can do, as it is the antidote to spirits, helps nourish them, and protects you from diseases and psychological problems.

The goal of meditation is to achieve inner peace, awareness, and spiritual growth, by focusing on the breathing process, the way the body responds to it, and the surrounding environment. Morning Habits of Successful People

Meditation techniques

Meditation involves trying to focus and relax, by following different methods and techniques, and yoga helps to achieve this.

The first stage of meditation is to find a focal point or a way to focus in order to free yourself from any distractions that may be affecting your meditation.
Here are some meditation techniques that will help you focus and free your mind from different thoughts:


Repeat one phrase during the meditation to try to control your brain to focus on it, such as "any spiritual name according to your religion."


picture an object with your eyes closed, such as a picture of a lotus flower or the energy centers of your body.

Looking and staring:

It is possible to keep the eyes open if you are practicing meditation for the first time, try to look and stare at something in front of you and focus only on it.

Breathing process:

It is the most common technique, which includes focusing on the breathing process and observing its effect on the body, as you can count the breaths to keep your brain focused.

Importance and benefits of meditation

After you know what meditation is and the techniques associated with it that help you practice it, it is important to know why we advise you to do it, what are the benefits of meditation?

1- Recognize brain patterns

By practicing meditation regularly, it will be easier for you to recognize your brain patterns, and what I mean here are the habits that it performs.

Over time, you will begin to notice the times when your brain wanders, and the thoughts that revolve around it, and it will be easier for you to control the brain and refocus it only to meditate.

2- Reducing stress

This benefit is one of the most important things that motivate people to practice meditation in the first place.

Feeling stressed can raise levels of the stress hormone in the body known as cortisol, which in turn negatively affects many different processes, such as sleep and blood pressure levels.

3- Controlling anxiety

This benefit builds on the previous ones, as relieving feelings of stress helps control anxiety as well.

A scientific study of 18 participants for three years found that after they practiced meditation for up to eight weeks, their anxiety level decreased significantly over time.

It is worth noting that meditation helps reduce anxiety levels resulting from your daily life and your job.

4- Improving mental health

If you have started practicing meditation, you will notice that after completing each session you feel good about yourself, and with continued and regularity, these positive feelings increase.

As we explained, meditation helps reduce stress hormone levels, and thus decreases the levels of a certain substance in the body called cytokines, which positively affects mental health as a whole.

5- Various benefits of yoga

Of course, practicing yoga helps you get many different benefits as well, including:

Enhance inner and self-awareness
Increase your attention span and focus
Protects memory with age
sleep improvement
Help control and relieve pain
Lowering high levels of blood pressure.

Last Words

It is possible for everyone to practice meditation easily, thus enjoying all the above health benefits.

If you do not have enough encouragement to do so, we recommend that you look for meditation and yoga centers around you, that will help you to start and regular practice until you notice the difference in your life.

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