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How to increase your memory power

You have prepared yourself for final exams very well and you are fully confident to achieve high grade in your class. In the examination hall you are reading question paper but all of sudden you forget answer of very simple question which you were about fully confident.

We’ve all been there, but not know how to overcome this worried situation.

Here we will let you know some most useful techniques to follow for improving memory.

Read and Repeat Loudly 

Read the information which you wanna memorize loudly and repeat again and again.

When you repeat something out loud, you aren’t technically memorizing it. You’re actually creating a pattern and sound that will make the info easier to recall in the future.

Start Teaching

If you start teaching what you learn or know it will be best practice for memorizing as well.
You can observe teachers and professors who teach a thing regularly due to their repetition they memorize it for long lasting.

Create Visuals in your mind

Whatever you learn create its visuals in your mind.
Whenever we watch any visual like movie or video it stucks in our mind and we can remember and recall it easily.
So, if you wanna learn a thing for long time make its visual in your mind for example if you wanna learn flower names like rose, tulips etc you imagine that you are in garden picking up a rose and making its banquet and you picked tulip to place it in your home for decoration.

Write down what you want to Learn

One the most awesome technique to memorize what you learn is writing.
Our fingures have strong connection with our mind.If you write what you want to learn then write it down. you will be able to keep it in your mind long lasting.

Focus on one thing at a time

Keep away things from you which could cause attract your attention and focus. Like, TV, Cell Phone,
Magazines etc.and make a plan to work on just one task at a time.It will help you to focus on one specific task and to memorize it.

See for more help : How to Manage your time.

Daily Exercise

Make your habit to do exercise regularly whether for as little as 10 minutes or more.
as if you will be fit then you can do best with your mind if you will do brain exercises then it will work properly.

It is same like if you get tuning service for your bike or car then it runs smoothly and properly as you want.
Exercise is like tuning of your mind which cause it to work properly and effectively.

Changing Routine

If you are memorizing some thing you should stand up or start walking or do any routine which will help you to memorize that thing earlier and you will remember it long lasting.

Drink a cup of tea

while working or studying your mind get tired, so you need to keep it active for that have a cup of tea caffeine will keep your mind fresh and active and you will be able to complete your task actively.

Do Puzzles and solve problems

Have you ever been in GYM if yes then you must know that how your muscles build up by exercise and lifting weights.
Your mind works like your muscles the more you will practice the more you will make your mind perfect and your memory strong.
For example Play Puzzles, Games and write with two hands.

So, be a man with super mind..

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