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How to start guest blogging

Guest Blogging 

is a SEO technique by which writers publish their particular posts or websites on a third party website and rank their sites on google.

Before we start anything we need to decide goal which we want to achieve from it like :                  whether ,

  • you want an authority and fame in industry.
  • You want traffic to your website.
  • You want backlinks to your website.

 So, by deciding right goal you can write right content for guest blog.

How to find Guest Blogging Sites

First you need to search relevant sites to your niche like and your post should fall in following criteria.
  • The content should be relevant to your niche and audience should take interest in your blog post.
  • Blog where you wanna place your guest post should active and its audience should be socially active so they share your content and you get your targeted goal.
Like, if you are are interested in businesses you need  to search businesses blog and an engaged audience of businesses. this method will help you to find your target blog.
Here are some ways to find guest post opportunities.

First Tip : Google Search

  • Keyword "write for us"
  • Keyword "guest post"
  • Keyword "submit guest post"
  • Keyword "accepting guest posts"
  • Keyword "submit post"
  • Keyword "submit an article"
  • Keyword "looking for guest posts"

by using any of above keyword you can reach on blogs which accept blog post.

Second Tip : Google the list of Guest Blogging Sites

This is the one simplest way to search Guest Blogging Sites just write in search bar of your browser Guest Blogging Sites List and it will show you thousands of results you can start from first list and gradually go ahead. Here is example :

Third Tip : Social Searches

Many Bloggers share their guest posts on social platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook etc.
You need to find more guest post results on these social media platforms.
Just write on search bar guest post and it open for you guest posts results just follow the links and find blogs which accept guest posts.

Pitch for Guest Blogging Post

when you have found a target blog where you will publish a Guest Post.

NOW, It is time to Prepare a eye catchy pitch for Guest Blogging Post.
Things you need to care about :
  • The Blog's Content if it is relevant to your keyword searching or not ?
  • The targeted audience and their level Like (Gender, Age group, Religion or their Interest)
  • Get familiar with Blog owner by commenting and sharing his/her content and share post of his/her blog.
  • Send E-mail to your site owner appreciating their content and how this content helped you. 
Like : Hi John,

Your recent post on social media marketing really helped me out.

Specifically, I used the strategy which you mentioned. And it I am amazed by it's result!

So I just wanted to send you a quick email to say: “Thank you!”.

Thanks again,

  • Find the Guest Post Topic which is on trending, Because every Blogger wants traffic on the Blog so, when you would write on trending topics it will get you more traffic as well by back-links
  • Last but not least, read the guidelines of blog owner carefully, and follow the steps and your guest post should be according to their guest post publishing criteria.

Final Pitch For Guest Blogging Post

An effective e-mail pitch has three simple steps : Intro , Context, Pitch.

Intro : Your Introduction, Profession and expertise.

Context : Your Prior experience, work examples, their Blogs and Readers etc.

Pitch : Your Blog post sample if any or post ideas on which you want to write.

Here is Final Pitch or E-mail template example for Guest Blog Post.

Hi John,

Intro : My name is Sami Social media marketer, Entrepreneur  and Blogger.

Context : I am former Social media director in A,B Limited and also worked as a freelancer. I am also regular reader of your Blog and found it very helpful. Looking at my own Digital marketing experience I found your blog helpful to sharing those marketing techniques.

Pitch : Here (Three Guest Blog Post Ideas) what I want to propose as a guest blog post on your blog.

(1) Social Media Marketing Techniques
(2) SEO Strategies to rank your site rapidly
(3) Digital Marketing Skills

I assure you, this above Blog Posts content will bring a great Business/Profit to both of us.

Best Regard,
Sami .

These are proven techniques to publish your Guest Blogging Post and get your business or traffic through your back-links. 

Best of Luck

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